Today’s landscape is incredibly complex, but there are also systems in place that help with this complexity. When trying to get your business noticed, some write books to complement the available details that give the consumer an appropriate amount of information to inform their decisions and allow them the full size of the potential opportunity available. This is a really good idea but publishing a book, not withstanding the complex organization and skillsets it requires to do it right and thoroughly, can still- all options considered and available- be a difficult concept to pull off.
Introducing the Digital Version of the Book

eBooks started out as a small digital book full of a quick helpful concept or something that would give quick anecdotes to a problem- and many similar things. It evolved into a powerful marketing tool, but until kindle and other systems containing readers could make all books uniform and could be used to digitize a real book, there was little interest in getting a book digitally.
The Problem:
Most people don’t like reading on a computer screen, mainly because its form is too limiting. With readers and the explosion of eBooks coming out directly in the book format skipping the offline publishing concepts completely, it started to gain traction. The line between book and eBook slowly started to fade.
The Solution:
Today people buy books in both formats. Often, due to it being less expensive for all including the publisher, people will get the digital book for 9.99 but love it and want the full, hardcopy book version for 28.99.
Marketing started to notice this too, in fact they’d been using eBooks to market ideas, business models, and a lot of other synergistic techniques to blend together a mosaic to get your attention and keep it. Amazon was one of the biggest, if not THE biggest book retailer on earth, and when they saw the opportunity to digitize books, an amazing thing happened. It was awesome!
Democratization of Publishing Power

Now people are starting to use digital publishing as a way to get their book noticed at all- without needing to go to a publisher who likely won’t even talk to them- even if what they write is remarkable.
Getting the book out there used to be a monopoly of the publishing houses, but now this has been democratized and anyone can find success in getting published (self-published).
Not only does Amazon give them the platform to sell their book- they offer tools to build it in the first place and a democratic way to get your words in front of millions potentially. No parking brake monopolies or to be blunt- asses to kiss to get even a chance at a chance!
The Elegant Beauty of Digital Books

There are some things you can do easily in a digital book but that you cannot do with regular print books. For example you can put actual links thorughout the pages that can shoot you back to a point in the beginning (or end) of the book!
Table of Contents (clickable!)
You can add a table of contents that allows them to quickly bounce to the chapter. You can leave off on a page and close the book reader or program; when you open it back up it will be on the right page automatically- no Bookmarks!

External Links…
Can Be Updated
(so no dead links as would be the case in printed books)!
You can also add external links. In books when they do this with a funky YouTube link or the like, people have to copy it onto their browser and type in each letter and symbol- with an eBook, it opens the browser (default one you use), then goes to the page with no work- and the eBook stays open so you can return from your research and continue unhindered or worn out from frustratingly trying to type a complicated link.
Updating Instantly…

… and they can let you know to download a fresh copy if they don’t have the eBook in a system that allows the program you use to update it.
Another great feature is the UPDATE Potential. A print book can be updated but you have to buy a whole new book. An eBook on certain formats can (rather will or will not) be updated, and you don’t buy the wrong version trying to find the latest copy. They also tend to make this easier on Amazon when they point you to the latest copy when you read the description.
Self-publishers can offer you a book that updates automatically as well. They can even highlight the new parts or pieces, add NEW UPDATED links if they get it wrong without having to print out new books- digital just updates and your digital book can be fresh and even grow. Often they put links in the books that can no longer work- with digital books, nothing is created in bulk- only one master copy exists, and updating it could update without having books you can’t sell left over.
Books Built For Marketing

All these things and more contribute to a synergistic format that can resolve issues before they become a problem. Writing a chapter that you feel didn’t really make the point, after a comment let you know something was being perceived badly because you neglected a piece of information, could be a problem in print publishing but with eBooks, it’s just about a quick update and maybe an email out to the customers to get the latest updated copy (which would likely overwrite the original as it’s no longer the valid copy.
interactivity in eBooks is starting to become more pronounced in escalatingly more interactive components of the book. Books are no longer just a piece of information- they are capable of giving you real-time updating features and interactive features are coming like instantly contacting the author (or support staff) without leaving the book. As the world becomes more complex, these features help with cohesion and build trust.
For now, eBooks are great as a second format for a printed book- or a great way to build an audience before you even attempt to publish it in print. Often this kind of thing helps the publishing houses see the value in your audience in a way they wouldn’t expect (although it’s becoming common place).
They are also a great tool in marketing for a lot of the reasons listed in this article. You don’t have to have a minimum or maximum word count, you don’t have to get an editor (unless you actually want it to be good enough to build the audience’s attention that is!). You can take the path of least resistance then tackle the harder path (print/publisher) with some meat on your marketing bones.

Today’s world is complex. But eBooks are complementary to many businesses, people wanting to get knowledge distributed widely and more. Today’s world being so complex, many companies are now even writing the book FOR YOU! You can contact our support staff at we have writers who love to write, have a passion for a large variety of topics and niches, and your satisfaction is their goal.
If you don’t have the writing skillset or time to write (or don’t like writing at all) then you can have an eBook written and even ghostwritten (you can put your name/business as the author itself!).
It’s a great way to connect with your audience in a more meaningful and informative way, and it only takes a week to have your hot off the press eBook ready to use. Once written you get it in a document file and can copy-paste into the kindle or other systems designed for expediency and ease.
We hope you enjoyed this article, Good Luck. If you have any questions contact us at the link (direct to support via email) and just ask!